It's so nice to be able to write to you again. We are finally getting some sleep (just since this past weekend Gus started to sleep through the night - some of the nights) and we feel sane again. It's amazing how 6 straight hours of sleep can make you feel normal.
I'll do my best to sum up all of the things going on with Gus. Since coming home, Gus has been adjusting to all of us, our noise (or lack of), and the new environment. The first few weeks were rough. After that, he's relaxed a lot. In fact, he relaxed too much. Matt and I were worried because he was limp almost all of the time. I spoke to the doctor overseeing his therapy drugs and he reduced the amount of Baclofen 25% last week. [Baclofen is an antispasticity drug that they used for Gus because of his inability to control the over-reactions of his muscles. It apparently does not affect cognitive development but does over-relax the muscles. Taking him off of this is a huge step forward.] The past few days was similar to watching Gus come off of morphine except that instead of his mind waking up, it was his body. He started to move more, sleep better, and tolerate new things even better. He started to swallow easier as well (we are now giving him very small tastes of applesauce each time he is hungry and he wants more and more).
Last week, Gus also received shots of Botox in his arms to relax them. Already, we are able to completely straighten them and do even more therapy with him.
The greatest thing for me was last night: I came inside the house and sat down beside him while he was looking at his Aunt Deborah. I said hi and he smiled. I didn't believe what I saw so I said it again and he smiled again at me! Not a half smile but the exact same smile he always had - big and happy. This is the first smile in response to anything. He's only smiled in his sleep so far (and then it was only a half-smile). I cried a lot after that. I felt as though God was truly giving my son back to me. Ah, that God is so good to us yet who are we but as dust? His love is amazing.
Thank you for remembering us, esther