“...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not faint.” Isa. 40:31
Thank you for being with us through this past year. It has not been easy and you have stood by us through it all. We had a lot of fun at the party on the 17th. Gus loves little kids and we had a bunch.

Gus continues to do better. Yesterday at OT (occupational therapy), Gus enjoyed playing and manipulating the toy to get the sounds he wanted. He even looked a little confused...something we haven't seen in over a year.
Soon, we'll be working on giving him liquids by mouth here at home. Please continue to pray that he grows in his ability to eat and drink and can get rid of the g-button.
His legs are getting stronger and his ability to pick them up and kick a little has improved lately. When we pick him now, he is a lot stronger and holds himself up better. It makes it a lot easier to throw him up in the air.
Thank you for praying for us. From a grateful heart, the lockerbys