Saturday, September 26, 2009

Gus is doing well. The latest news, this past week is his great progress.
Physically, Gus is doing more and more on his own. He is rolling over when he wants to (from his belly to his back) and learning to play more with toys. He is making more of an effort to hit the toys and activate them and enjoys the noise he makes.

His overall muscle tone is improved, more and more like a normal baby (which means he isn't too stiff or too relaxed). He is strong but we are working at home on exercises that encourage more movement (rolling more and crawling).

Swallowing is still difficult but getting better. The front of his mouth responds quickly (and he loves the taste of the food) but the back of his mouth still gags often.

Mentally, Gus is definitely doing better. He is understanding more of what is happening around him. He is smiling and laughing more and more in response to us just talking to him or picking him up. He is very attentive to whether or not we are around and instantly calms down if we just talk to him.
Medications are being lowered again this week. The doctor was very impressed with the work Fergus is doing (it is obviously him, not the medications doing the work) so he is dropping them lower and lower. We are thrilled. The hope in knowing that our son is doing so well, despite all of the odds predicted against him has given us wings this week.

Thank you for continuing to love us through your prayers and support, esther

Saturday, September 12, 2009

more hope

Since Gus has come home, we've been fortunate to be 'adopted' by his nurse from Ranken Jordan, Patty. Patty and her husband, Pat, have invited us to their home and shared with us the pleasure of their garden. We have had so much fun working in their garden and visiting with them, besides the incredibly yummy food, that I wanted to share with you a few pictures.

Last weekend we made the 4 hour trip down to our old home in Alton, Missouri. Car sick on the way in...and on the way out. As usual, Gus hated the car ride and screamed in protest the entire way (he screams every time we take him in the car). We had a great time visiting with family and Gus adjusted a little to being in a new place with people he doesn't really know.
(He's a little tired here and in the middle of smiling...but wouldn't give us the whole one for the picture.)

Monday, we visited with the Fiorinos, really good friends living in Thayer (about 30 minutes away from Alton). Dr. Joe Fiorino is the chiropractor who has seen Gus before and each time, Gus is so much happier. He was able to check him out and adjust him (several times) on Monday. I cried with the result. Gus moved in ways he hasn't since before the accident. He was calm, happy, and content without us constantly entertaining him. The whole ride home that night was quiet - he was peaceful all the way. This past week, the difference has continued. He got his fussiness back again but he has continued to move more. The strength in his neck and torso suddenly increased dramatically. We are working on finding a chiropractor to take him to in the area (with Dr. Fiorino's help).

Other exciting news - we are expecting another addition to our family. I'm due to have a baby in early March 2010. The kids are very excited.

Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for Gus' full recovery. We are praying right now for the right chiropractor in the area. We also are praying for a quick return of Gus' ability to move around more. He is frustrated at not being able to move much on his own. His vision is increasingly better - looking at everything up on the walls (not just a foot away from him).

God is good - He is restoring and increasing faith, hope, and love through your prayers. Thank you, esther

Thursday, September 3, 2009

play time

(This was the best smile picture we could get for you...but we'll keep trying!)

Gus is smiling more and more now, at least a few times a day. Last Sunday he started to laugh and that's getting more and more frequent as well. Thank you so much for praying for us. It is so encouraging to see him enjoy playing with us.

His medications are being reduced some more since he is doing so well on less and less. He is also swallowing a little bit faster and he acts like he wants the food when he smells it cooking and we are at the table eating a meal.

His vision seems to be improving but I'll be contacting an organization here that can help us figure out what he can see (shadows, black-white, double vision, etc).

He is exhausting as he 'wakes up' (mentally and physically) so Deborah, Matt, and I often take turns playing with him, stretching him, and stimulating him with different things. Please pray that his brain continues to heal and that God graciously shows us the next step and how to keep going.

gratefully, esther

"Let the little children come to me" ~Jesus

He took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them. ~Mark 10:16, speaking of Jesus