Sunday, June 14, 2009


Here is Fergus with the PMV on. He was absolutely fine with it on but once they tried the actual capping, he struggled. The cap looks the same as the PMV except that it is solid red, and he must do all of his own breathing and swallowing. They tried the cap yesterday in the morning but had to take it off after just 3 minutes. His oxygen was dropping, he started posturing (arching his back, straightening his arms) and acted like he couldn't breath well. After an early morning trip to the zoo (for an early celebration of Ian's birthday), we went to see Gus. He was fairly upset so I held him. While holding him, the respiratory therapist capped him and he did alright. He breathed fine, kept his oxygen strong, and coughed and swallowed well. He still didn't like being capped and when put back in his bed, he couldn't tolerate it. One of the possibilities of why he is so upset right now is teething - he has 4 teeth coming in all at once and if the nurses don't realize it, they don't give him anything for the pain.

I saw him this early this morning and after an hour, he was tired of me. I held him until he was too fussy (when nothing I do calms him down) and then put him back in bed, where he fell sound asleep right away. I left to come back to the kids and head to church. Here's a picture of him the other day laying over top of the 'boppy': (he loves this position)

I finished a couple of squares for his afghan (the blue is a lot brighter than this picture):

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Feel free to leave messages for the family and friends of Fergus Lockerby.

Whether you know this family or Fergus personally does not matter.

Whether you write a line or a page, leave a verse of scripture or a meaningful quote, or words of your own, we welcome your participation.

What matters most is the sense of Christian community that we create as we take part in lifting our brothers and sisters in their time of need, and thereby we too are lifted up, with encouragement and love.

Lets not miss an opportunity to help each other live lives filled with HOPE for healing for Fergus and his family and ourselves.

Join us! We are glad you are here and we want to hear from you, too!

~debbie reagan

"Let the little children come to me" ~Jesus

He took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them. ~Mark 10:16, speaking of Jesus