We had lots of fun playing cards, Boggle, and many other games as well as lots of baking and eating yummy food. Each of the kids helped out a lot.
We even had a play, directed by Adrienne, of the Christmas story (Gus played baby Jesus, Rose was Mary, Ian the narrator, and George an angel).
Gus has really enjoyed all of the Christmas excitement. He loves the tree (touching the prickly branches, watching the lights) and all of the other decorations. He has been really happy and content, especially if tickled or played with in any way.
Just before the holidays, we did a regular 'house cleaning' and asked Ian to keep Gus happy in my room. He was so quiet...we went to find out why and found this.
Our latest concerns and prayer requests are for Gus' strength to return, particularly for his back and legs. His back keeps curving to his right side when he is relaxed and although we keep straightening it, it could end up rotating and staying curved. If he could walk, this wouldn't be a big problem. To help him with walking, we are working on strengthening his legs with squats, standing in his stander, and different stretch positions to help him stay loose. Please pray that he moves his legs more, gets stronger, and is able to crawl and walk soon. If his back doesn't straighten out, it will affect his breathing and he would need surgery. (He loves standing and doing squats, laughing each time we do them.)
Thank you for your continued support. With a grateful heart, esther
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Lets not miss an opportunity to help each other live lives filled with HOPE for healing for Fergus and his family and ourselves.
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~debbie reagan