I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know how Gus is doing. Last weekend we had a visit from Gus' Aunt Mary and Grandmom (from Falls Church, Virginia) and we treasured every moment. Mary (who is an exceptional occupational therapist) helped us to understand Gus a lot more, explaining what he was doing and how to work with him better. Since then, we've explained everything to Gus and he has been happier with everything we do. He definitely understands more than we think he does. Thanks to Mary's help, I have been able to address some of Gus' issues with the therapists he has. They will be able to help us more.
On Thursday, Gus had physical therapy and walked in the small gait trainer for a full 40 feet! He needed prompting to pick up the correct knee but after a little while, he was picking it up himself. He was happy the entire time in the gait trainer (which is very unusual---for him to really do anything, he usually has to be upset).
Gus is also asking for more food. He enjoys spoonfuls of liquids to drink and wants more and more food.
Please continue to pray with us for Gus. He needs prayer that his neck gets stronger so that eating and drinking will be easier and once his neck is strong, the rest of his body will be able to get stronger, too.
Do you all puree your meals for him? I use to work with blind and multiply handicapped kids and we pureed the whole meal for the kids. Not always together.....strawberries separate, pancakes separate...and they would have everything everyone else had just pureed (with a little water to thin it out)????
ReplyDeleteWe are still praying for him and every once in a while someone asks about his progress....Praise God he is thriving...Love you all!!!!!
It's so great to see how well Gus is doing, and also to see photos of sweet little Molly! God bless you guys.