Saturday, July 18, 2009

No Place Like Home

I'm writing through a few tears that just won't stop. This past week we've been running between home and Ranken Jordan, getting ready to take Fergus home. I've cried many times with joy, thinking about him at home but the day finally arrived yesterday. The joy of bringing a child home is like no other. I was elated all day yesterday and then, after we settled him in and unpacked all of his medications, feeding 'stuff', and other miscellaneous things, both Matt and I felt the exhaustion hit us from the past few months. We've been waiting for this day.

Last night was a reminder of all of the work the nurses have been doing for him on a daily basis - it's a lot. He didn't sleep well and kept Matthew and I up most of the night, but overall didn't seem too discontented: home is a lot quieter than the hospital and he knows us. He loves to be rocked and the kids have already helped out with taking care of him. The kids love to make him happy. In this picture, Ian is playing with him while his feeding tube is going. Fergus has started this past week to really enjoy being played with. He still loves looking at books, having us read to him, and watching things move slowly (like leaves on a tree, or a ribbon on a balloon) but now, he likes for us to use stuffed animals to make noise or touch him.

Thank you for all that you have done for us. We would not be able to move ahead like we have without you. God is gracious to us and has shown us faithful mercy and love through you.

Please continue to pray for his ability to move around. He gets bored and frustrated not moving around and we try to encourage him to move more by keeping him on his belly on the floor (he can move his arms and legs a little).

I'm heading back to talk to the nurse that will oversee our home care. Thank you for all that you have done for us.

with more gratefulness than can be expressed, esther


  1. Thank you for sharing Fergus and your struggles/triumphs. It has really reinforced my belief that God answers prayers.

    All the best,
    Love Beth

  2. I am so happy that he is home with you. God is an awesome God. Cathy Lockerby

  3. so glad to hear that you have your baby boy back home! praying for you lots during this next season.

  4. We rejoice with you about Fergus' return home!

    To me, he looks like Rose in that photo and Ian looks a lot like Esther. My, they ALL are getting so big.

    We love you! Julie, for all the DuBoises.

  5. Thank you for the comments. They mean a lot to us. Sorry about any slow response. Our only access to the internet is through our local library which I won't be able to bring Fergus to (he's really having a hard time getting used to being home, let alone any where else). I'll tell the family what you say. Thanks, esther

  6. Esther and Matt,
    I just found it on Heather Palumbo's blog and was thrilled to know there is a place where I can keep up with Fergus's progress. I heard from Renee right after everything happenned and I pray for you all whenever God brings you to mind. This blog will keep you fresh on my mind. So glad you are home, and that Fergus is doing well! Big hugs to you all!
    Teri Sommer


Feel free to leave messages for the family and friends of Fergus Lockerby.

Whether you know this family or Fergus personally does not matter.

Whether you write a line or a page, leave a verse of scripture or a meaningful quote, or words of your own, we welcome your participation.

What matters most is the sense of Christian community that we create as we take part in lifting our brothers and sisters in their time of need, and thereby we too are lifted up, with encouragement and love.

Lets not miss an opportunity to help each other live lives filled with HOPE for healing for Fergus and his family and ourselves.

Join us! We are glad you are here and we want to hear from you, too!

~debbie reagan

"Let the little children come to me" ~Jesus

He took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them. ~Mark 10:16, speaking of Jesus