Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday April 13th

Today Fergus was moved from St. Johns to Ranken Jordan in St Louis. This the first time I have seen him in three weeks and I was encouraged. I see that he has improved, but he has a long way to go. The swelling has gone down. He does open his eyes. He is moving. All of these things are good but there needs to be so much more.

Please pray for Matt and Esther. Through all of this I want them to know that we love and support them no matter what. Pray that they allow God to draw them closer to Him. Thanks again to all those that are praying for them.

James Lockerby


  1. We are grateful to hear that Fergus is in Ranken Jordan and we will continue to pray for "so much more". We love you Matt and Esther and are remembering all of your dear children in prayer!Try to take care of yourselves a little too so that you are able to continue meeting the children's many needs.
    Earnestly praying,
    Russ and Joy

  2. Ritchi and Ander CraverMonday, April 13, 2009 9:29:00 PM

    Esther I was just shown this blog and wanted to let you know that we are praying for you and Fergus and your family. Please keep posting when you have a chance the specific things we need to pray for. Our Lord is so great so awesome and makes so many miracles happen through prayer! I have had many family and friends praying for Fergus and will forward this blog to them all for even more prayer!

    Much love to you all!

    Ritchi, Andrea, Brianna, and Kaitlyn Grace Craver

  3. Aunt Esther and Uncle Matt,

    Sorry it has taken me this long to contact you. Just wanted to let you know, I have been before the Lord about Fergus this entire time. Me and my buddies have been praying for both of you, Rose, Ian, George, and of course Fergus. I thank God for the healing that has taken place thus far and ask that he will continue this pattern of healing. I will continue to pray and trust in God's faithfulness. I love and miss you guys.

    Nephew Will

  4. debbie (, April 13, 2009 10:04:00 PM

    You are always in my prayers. Yesterday I interceded for Fergus and all of you, during the Easter morning worship service. I have such a sense of HOPE for you as I pray! Ranken promises to hold so much for Fergus. I pray nothing would get in the way of him being able to fully utilize every aspect of the program, staff and resources that will be offered to him. I also pray that nothing would get in the way of your testimony being a light in that place. And I pray for your own souls that as we uphold you in prayer - God will more than sustain you. I pray for healing for every aspect of all of your lives. You might just all be completely different (for the best) by the time your work at Ranken is done. But God only asks that you take it one moment at a time. Just one foot in front of the other and He will do the rest. Just know you are far from being alone! There are resources in St. Louis that can be provided for you if you do not have your own connections. Please let us know. With Faith and Hope for Fergus, love, ~debbie reagan

  5. Two families from California are praying for Fergus and Ester. We're praying for the whole family, but Fergus and Ester are most heavily on our hearts. Thank you for the updates we check it several times a week.

    In His Love and Ours,
    Lynn Lewis (Monterey, CA)

  6. Matt and Ester (and Fergus, Ian, Rose and George)
    I think of each of you often. I continue to hold you before the miracle making Lord with much faith. I am encouraged as I hear of the progress that is sometimes described for Fergus. I believe healing for Fergus is a real hope.

    I also want you to know that I am an Occupational Therapist in my work, and I presently work with handicapped babies and children at a preschool. Now that you are in rehab, please feel free to use me as an inbetween/ mediator type.

    If some of the procedures are difficult for you, or if you question something in OT, PT or Speech I would be glad to check it out with my collegues as a sort of 2nd opinion. Maybe we could offer some help to you.

    I would love to be with you for a few days during this time so I could be there as you adjust to this scene. I could help by explaining some of their perspective and direction as therapists. Please don't hesitate to reach me.

    Judy Souther from Christ Community Church, St Paul MN


Feel free to leave messages for the family and friends of Fergus Lockerby.

Whether you know this family or Fergus personally does not matter.

Whether you write a line or a page, leave a verse of scripture or a meaningful quote, or words of your own, we welcome your participation.

What matters most is the sense of Christian community that we create as we take part in lifting our brothers and sisters in their time of need, and thereby we too are lifted up, with encouragement and love.

Lets not miss an opportunity to help each other live lives filled with HOPE for healing for Fergus and his family and ourselves.

Join us! We are glad you are here and we want to hear from you, too!

~debbie reagan

"Let the little children come to me" ~Jesus

He took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them. ~Mark 10:16, speaking of Jesus