Fergus is doing better and better, adjusting to home. I finally slipped away to come to the library and update you on what is going on. He is finally used to the lack of hospital noise in the home and is resting more and more. His teething issues, as for all babies, keep him crabby at times but when there is relief, he's fine. We are doing all the therapists say to do - the ones at the hospital and the in-home therapists (therapy 3 times a week). He is holding his head up better, swallowing easier and faster, moving his knees more, and if put on his side, he will roll unto his back. These seem a bit insignificant but each little step is a milestone for us. The developmental stage that he is at is newborn for most things. I am now trying to incorporate all of the stimulation he needs along with his appointments, splints, feedings, and medications. Life is definitely becoming a bit more normal for us with him at home.
with a grateful heart, esther
How exciting! We are truly walking through this with you and our hearts beat as one... even though so many miles physically separate us! Keep us posted as you can. We love you all so much. Hugs and kisses to Matt, Ian, George, Rose and Fergus and especially YOU, my baby sister! Reminded of His LOVE.. Loving you, Martha & Dave (dave@bcffamily.org)
ReplyDeleteWOW! He looks great! There is so much life in his eyes! I spoke with your sister at the Christian Family Conference in June. Please know the Buckner Bunch is praying for you all. My third kiddo Andrew is Fergus' age and I have been following his progress. The Lord is working in him and through him. Sweet Fergus has made us all better people. Thank you for the update!
ReplyDeleteBobbie Buckner
Esther & Matt please know that you are never far from our thoughts!! We love you and your family, and we are thankful for every bit of progress!!
ReplyDeleteWe are in this for the long haul!!
Love You, Matt & Fran
What amazing photos! I can almost kiss that neck! I love you! Please give the kids hugs (tight) and kisses! We are praying and missing y'all! Love, Rachel
ReplyDeleteHe is wonderful!
ReplyDeleteDoes he smile or chuckle at anything?
Did the heavy rains and flooding in St.Louis affect you guys?
We are continuing to hold you all up in prayer!
Love you!
~debbie :)
WoW Esther, he looks great! He also looks like he has grown a lot! I am so grateful to God for all he has done for Fergus and your family but still praying because I believe God's not finished with him yet! As always love you and praying for you!
thank you for your love,
ReplyDeletefrom all of us...matt, esther, ian, george, rose, and especially fergus