Monday, March 23, 2009


Tuesday, March 17
Fergus was put on multiple medications - mostly to make sure his lungs and heart were kept going. He was not responsive to any stimulation. The doctor was concerned about the lack of response and ordered an EEG to track brain activity. She suggested strongly to us that he was brain dead and that we needed to seriously think about the quality of life he would have, if we kept him alive. Thinking that hope was gone, she and the nurses kindly let us hold him (with all of the tubes intact) for several hours while she consulted the pediatric neurologist. While Matthew held Fergus (I was falling apart and couldn't keep holding him so I watched from the by the door) the neurologist checked Fergus out and explained to us that the EEG wasn't telling us much. It only measured the upper brain activity and said it was slow. He said to give Fergus another 24 hours and see what happens then. We were so grateful to be given some more time.

Wednesday, March 18
We met the next doctor on rotation who had already been briefed by the previous doctor. He suggested that what we see is what we get in the final outcome. He tested Fergus' breathing that morning by gradually decreasing the ventilator until it was off. Fergus continued breathing on his own for several minutes. The ventilator support was continued to help Fergus heal up in the other areas of his body, without struggling too hard.

Later that day, while the brain continued to swell, Fergus had seizures almost continually. They put him on medications to calm them, which didn't stop them entirely but reduced them greatly.

Thursday, March 19
1:59am Fergus is moving his toes. Not in response to anything but moving them none the less. Also he has been fluttering his eye lids. The doctors have started feeding him through a feeding tube.

Fergus began to swell significantly. His head, arms, and legs were extremely swollen.

Friday, March 20
6:42pm · Matt and Esther are holding up but not so well so pray for them. They need God's peace. They NEED to know that God will take care of them and their son.
He is still in critical condition! He is sedated and has movements still. Don't tire of praying! God is hearing us!!! He is still in critical condition! He is sedated and has movements still. So they haven't been able to know exactly is condition. The doctors don't want the family to have much hope. But our God is a God of HOPE! Please, Don't tire of praying! God is hearing us and answering our prayers!

I (debbie, friend of family) just spoke to James and he is driving to Springfield to be with family at the hospital. He will give a detailed update tomorrow afternoon. I was thinking that be just in time to get the updated message to churches who will gather on Sunday. We need concerted, strong, effective prayer and I am excited because I know God is working that way in the body right now. He is uniting many hearts and minds around this babies' need and the families' need. I think that is a beautiful thing!

Sat March 21
10:34pm · The poor little guy has to learn to swallow. If he can't he will have to have a trach put in. He needs to be able to swallow before he can go home. He is sedated and on anti-seizure meds. He makes no sounds and the only movements seem to be involuntary. His heart is very strong and the breathing machines are being lowered little by little as he can handle breathing on his own. So you can see, he is still in very serious condition.Every day is hopeful, but the doctors caution against hope.

Sunday, March 22
Matt and Esther are exhausted, keeping 4 hour shifts around the clock at his bedside. Fergus' 2 brothers and 1 sister (between the ages of 8 and 5) are in a hotel near the hospital with Esther's sisters. You can imagine the strain on these small children as well as on their parents.
Matt and Esther got their first break today from Fergus's side as friends drove to Springfield to be with them. Some relieved them by Fergus' crib in the hospital, which allowed them to go and be ministered to by the others. They are anticipating at least a month more in the hospital.
Think about if that were you? Think of the prayers you would need: prayers for: physical stamina, emotional stamina, ability to handle the stress of not being with your other children; willingness to allow doctors you don't know to call the shots for your little baby; not letting guilt and fear eat at you; PEACE of mind and heart; for God to take away the fear that you would lose another baby so soon after losing a precious 3 month old daughter to SIDS just 2 years ago; for the chaos to stop and for the Promises of God to show up in your life; friends who will NOT STOP PRAYING for our family! Our God Is Able! He Hears Our Prayers!Let's stand in the GAP for this family! ~debbie

Monday, March 23
5:00pm · FERGUS stretched his arms and legs this afternoon!!!! This is the first involuntary movements - and this comes after the many prayers of many congregations today!!

Tuesday, March 24
2:54pm · Fergus OPENED HIS EYES!!!! He has developed an infection on the trachea because of having the ventilator tube in for a week. The doctors think it might take about a week to clear up the infection. If he hasn't started swallowing by then, a trachea tube will be inserted as well as a feeding tube in the stomach. Then the doctors want to transfer him to a children's rehab center in St. Louis, even further from the families' home. About 250 miles from home total. Let's don't stop praying for God's healing touch on Fergus' body and for His mercy on Matt and Esther and their entire family. The three older siblings went to Virginia with an Aunt. Please pray that God will soon reunite this dear family!Please pray for Aunts and Uncles, Cousins, Grandparents and all those affected by this terrible accident. Thank you for bearing this family's burdens!


  1. Matt & Esther,

    I want you to know that I am standing with you in prayer for Fergus, both of you, Ian, George, Rose and the rest of the family. In reading the day to day progress it certaninly seems evident that our gracious heavenly Father is watching over Fergus with such love & compassion that we can be filled with HOPE in what He is doing. Praise God that Fergus has opened his eyes!! It is no small thing in what you have been asked to endure but because we know the character of God we know that you are not alone. Keep hoping, trusting, believing & praying and you will be AMAZED at what God IS and WILL do for Fergus and in both of you. God is faithful and He DOES hear & answer prayer. May you know & feel the presence, peace & calm that only God can give at a time such as this. I love you guys and will keep lifting you up before the Father. Kim Carter

  2. Dear Matt & Esther,
    I'm a friend of Debbie Reagan and your family, because we are children of our Father in Heaven.
    I want you to know that with God and His Son Jesus, there is hope. Last year a friend of mine had a brain aneurism (sp?0 a week before her daughter's wedding day. She had surgery on her brain and the doctors said there was no brain activity afterward. They did not give the family any hope for recovery. Dee's eye's would flutter, her arm would move, she would move her head to the side, but the doctors said it was just reflexes. But after sitting vigil with her family, and people from the church, she opened her eyes. She followed our movement. She was there, we just knew it. God brought her back and she is a miracle. She had many struggles, but has the heart and will just like Fergus has. Dee is now at home living with her daughter. She just passed her swallowing test and can now have pureed foods. This past weekend, her daughter got married, with her mother there. You see, we know that God has His plans and no matter what the doctors say, it is God's will for whatever happens. So, I say to you, keep hoping, praying and believing in God for He is the One who makes the decisions. God bless you and I will keep you and your Fergus in my prayers. Blessings,
    Rita Blickstein
    Poughkeepsie, NY


Feel free to leave messages for the family and friends of Fergus Lockerby.

Whether you know this family or Fergus personally does not matter.

Whether you write a line or a page, leave a verse of scripture or a meaningful quote, or words of your own, we welcome your participation.

What matters most is the sense of Christian community that we create as we take part in lifting our brothers and sisters in their time of need, and thereby we too are lifted up, with encouragement and love.

Lets not miss an opportunity to help each other live lives filled with HOPE for healing for Fergus and his family and ourselves.

Join us! We are glad you are here and we want to hear from you, too!

~debbie reagan

"Let the little children come to me" ~Jesus

He took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them. ~Mark 10:16, speaking of Jesus