Friday, April 3, 2009


Today, Matt and I walked into the PICU and were surprised - Fergus is put into contact isolation. He possibly has a bacteria that easily spreads but is common with people who are on antibiotics for a long time. In order to go visit him, we put on new gowns and gloves each time. They should know later on today, after the lab work is done, why he has very loose, watery stools. They also started him on a new medication that helps to relax his muscles. After the first small dose I held him and he relaxed enough to even let his legs bend a bit.

St. John's Hospital here in Springfield has been excellent. The doctors and nurses are amazingly kind and skilled. Unfortunately, the hospital here does not offer rehabilitation services. The place they want to send him is Ranken Jordan in St. Louis. It has a good reputation for working with children with brain damage. Today we were told that if it will be a while longer for Fergus to get into Ranken Jordan, they will look elsewhere because he needs therapy as soon as possible.

We hope to have our children with us soon. Matt and I both feel the need to be together as a family again. Thanks to the Ronald McDonald House, we have a place to take them and be with them. We don't know all of the details for working this out but we'll let you know as soon as we can.

Please pray for:
- muscle relaxation
- full restoration
- full health
- his tongue to heal (he bit hard on it earlier, possibly during a seizure and I just saw it today - it looks almost forked)
- recognition of his mom and dad

Your prayers are a lifeline for us. thanks, esther

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Feel free to leave messages for the family and friends of Fergus Lockerby.

Whether you know this family or Fergus personally does not matter.

Whether you write a line or a page, leave a verse of scripture or a meaningful quote, or words of your own, we welcome your participation.

What matters most is the sense of Christian community that we create as we take part in lifting our brothers and sisters in their time of need, and thereby we too are lifted up, with encouragement and love.

Lets not miss an opportunity to help each other live lives filled with HOPE for healing for Fergus and his family and ourselves.

Join us! We are glad you are here and we want to hear from you, too!

~debbie reagan

"Let the little children come to me" ~Jesus

He took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them. ~Mark 10:16, speaking of Jesus